Solid Rock House of God
2201 Maurine Street
Wichita Falls TX 76306
Contact Person: David Sapata
Phone: 940.447.0625
Website label
My name is Rev. David Sapata. I am the pastor of The Solid Rock House of God. My wife, Carolyn Sapata and I have been in the ministry for about 7 years. Our hearts desire and ministry are for those without hope, by that I mean those that are struggling with addictions, the homeless, and the hopeless. Which my Father “God” put in our heart “church” to feed the hungry every Wednesday, and we have a support addictions group M.A.M.A. (mother’s against meth addictions) not only for meth addictions, but any type of addiction.
Located in: Church
2201 Maurine Street
Wichita Falls, TX 76306
Phone 940.447.0625